5. COVID-19, long rants, and UN creative briefs with James Barrow.

How can we unlock our creative potential in a COVID-19 world of work from home lockdowns? Starting this week on the B-side with James Barrow podcast, I’ll be launching the ‘In the house sessions’ where I speak to guests remotely from home, and discuss all things I would typically, along with how they’re responding to the changes brought about by these crazy, unprecedented times.

In this episode though, I’ll be going solo, sharing my perspective on the recent events and drawing upon information supplied by the UN, who have put out a Global brief to creatives, to develop ideas that promote their public health messages. And because I suffered a touch of social isolation, lockdown-induced cabin fever, I threw in an unashamedly rubbish COVID-19 inspired D’angelo cover, for your listening pleasure.

I discuss the UN’s creative brief in detail and how we can maintain our health, sanity and stay creative in isolation. And I have a massive rant about a few things that are grinding my gears too if you skip through these sections I won’t hold it against you.

It’s somewhat of a stream of consciousness so forgive me for jumping around a bit. Hopefully, you’ll find it useful in some small way.

UN Global call out to creatives

Working from home: https://lighthouse.mq.edu.au/article/march/working-from-home-a-managers-perspective

WHO Mythbusters: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public/myth-busters


6. Purposeful business ventures, Peru problems, and living in Bali with Rebecca Yik.


4. Graphic design, gold coins, and DIY electric cars with Oliver Kendal.